Are your 60,000 Miles of Blood Vessels Free of Road Blocks? 5/4/18

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May 4, 2018

Our bodies have 60 thousand miles of Blood vessels which is enough in length to go around the earth twice. And our bodies pump our blood around this circle every minute or 2. Our blood does many things, but one thing it does is carry Oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Oxygen is life, without it we die. So without our blood being able to get where it needs to go we die. So may I ask a simple question, why are Americans so bent on clogging up their heart and arteries? We eat hydrogenated oils and oxidized milk powder, highly processed cereals, chips, cookies and crackers laden with preservatives and additives of all kinds along with pop tarts and soda plus bread with
plastic in it. Yes, someone in our circle wondered why the bread that she usually bought at the store was lasting longer, without going bad and did some research and found where one of those long ingredient words was actually plastic.  HELLO my fellow Americans this is NOT working very well!  For 50 years heart attacks have been the number one killer yet, we seem by our actions to want more of this. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. America is insane! Alicia recently traveled to Holland. It’s a long story, but her dad grew up there from the age of 10 to 20 so she grew up hearing a lot about Holland. So her uncle and aunt and 2 sisters made a 10 day trip to finally see it all first hand. She LOVED it and who would not after all those years of hearing about it.  And the food there was amazing.  The European Union does not approve or
allow GMO non-food ingredients. People in Holland are NOT overweight, almost zero. She did not find gluten free options anywhere.  Although the people there eat lots of bread and, almost at every meal, Wonder Bread is not what they are eating.  Here, in the U.S., it is the other way around where you almost cannot find real bread in the grocery store. Real food is everywhere in Holland, in one restaurant there was even Organic butter on the tables.  Of course, with no huge chains monopolizing the restaurant businesses, small, family owned restaurants are thriving.  There are no huge malls or mega-stores.  Small is definitely the norm.

Soy Free Turkeys:  We will be offering Non-GMO, Free Range on Pasture turkeys this year.  Not only will they be Certified Non-GMO but also Soy Free! We would like to get a jump start on how much interest there is for
this product.  They will be $0.50 more per pound than last year which makes the per pound price $7.50.  If you will indeed be purchasing one of these turkeys please consider placing a deposit of $20 now so we know how many we need to produce.  It will also guarantee that you will have a turkey for your Thanksgiving feast.

Recycling:  We reuse egg cartons, even store bought egg cartons, as long as they are cardboard, not plastic or Styrofoam.  We will also take back our plastic quart containers that we use for yogurt, cream and cottage
cheese, along with their lids.  Thank you for helping us save money and  the environment. This video was shared with me by a tree company that we got trees from and is doing good things for the planet. What an amazing thought that all this money is out there waiting to do good.

Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,
Dennis and Alicia

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