Frozen Turmeric Juice, Quart

Frozen Turmeric Juice, Quart

32 oz

Turmeric has long been renowned in traditional and herbal medicine for being one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories. It is known to possess:  anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties.


Our turmeric is truly organic and heavy-metal tested, unlike much imported turmeric which contains heavy-metal laden yellow dye to enhance color (read more about this on our website). 
     One of our favorite ways to use the turmeric juice is by making "golden milk": a blend of hot or cold milk, a dash of turmeric juice, maple syrup and a pinch of black pepper to help absorb the medicinal curcumin polyphenol. 
      If interested in ordering fresh organic root, we ship directly to you, please visit our website at: