About Us

Welcome to Full Circle Farm, a family operated farm since 2002!  Specializing in nutrient dense foods for pets and livestock. 


Our Family


Our family consists of Dennis the farmer, Alicia the wife and helper to the farmer our children: Lily, Caroline, Stella, Daniel, Mathias, Tessa, Luanna and Lydia. Dennis was raised Amish-Mennonite in PA and comes from a long line of dairy farmers.


Our Philosophy

We believe that the way to true health for your pets and/or livestock is through the food they consume on a daily basis. Since the bodies of mammals make 300 million new cells every 60 seconds, it makes sense that they need to eat well to support the growth of healthy cells. The stomach lining is remade every 6 to 8 days; skin every 30 days; the liver every 6 to 8 weeks; and bones in about one year IF you give your animal friends what it takes to do so. The only way to have nutrient dense foods is to grow it in mineral rich soils.

Here, we grow grass in our re-mineralized/balanced soil. This is what our Devon and Jersey cows eat every day, along with a mineral mix, unrefined natural sea salt and kelp that they have access to at all times. And this is where our milk and beef comes from, that we offer as pet food. We believe it is the most nutrient dense and the best value in Florida because of the care we take in building up our soil and the free choice minerals our cows have access to at all times.

Not only are our cows fed mineral rich grasses but we also avoid feeding grain. Cows have four stomachs that are meant to digest grasses and when they are fed grain it sets up the perfect environment to allow for e-coli in the gut. This is why we are 100% grass fed. In the winter time, when necessary, we will feed organic alfalfa pellets and some organic hay from known and trusted suppliers, but never grain. We hope to put an end to this as well as our soils become more balanced and can produce a better yield of green winter rye grasses. Cows fed grain get a condition called acidosis making their meat and milk more acid. This occurs because grain is an unnatural feed for cattle. If you would like to learn more about the detrimental effects that cottonseed meal, soy, and other conventional cattle feeds have on the health of the animal (and your pet) visit www.eatwild.com.

Feeding 100% grass means we get a lot less milk per cow. Production averages 1 or 2 gallons per cow per day and rarely more. If grain is fed you can easily get 5 or 10 gallons per cow and thus the milk can be cheap. But we also believe there are dangers with possible GMO grain and chemicals like herbicide residues in the grain. A cow can only produce a certain amount of nutrients each day extracted from what she eats, and this amount of nutrients is spread across all of the gallons of milk she produces. This is why we call our milk nutrient-dense.

The type of grain conventionally-raised cows are fed is also a concern. Cottonseed and soy have LOTS of problems of their own and their toxins pass through the cows into the milk. Most grain is tested for herbicide residues and they say it does not have them BUT that means they are below an acceptable level. What level is acceptable to you when feeding your furry babies (AKA pets)? ALL or any grains alter the cow's whole body, but the cottonseed and soy are VERY VERY bad in our opinion. The book called The Whole Soy Story will enlighten you on soy. Dr Weston Price spoke against cottonseed in his timeless classic Nutrition and Physical Degeneration written in 1939. After you read these books you will NOT want to feed your furry babies milk from cows eating soy or cottonseed. 

As of this year (2023) we have never used chemical wormers or antibiotics or added hormones or vaccines of any kind on any cow on our farm. We do not use chemical fertilizer or fly spray or herbicide or any other form of harmful chemicals whatsoever on our farm. We will/would use antibiotics on a cow or calf to save the life of the animal but very seldom need to as we focus instead on health of the animals. Keeping them healthy and preventing problems is our focus AND provides us with the nutrient dense foods we want, to feed our furry friends, it is what their bodies need. Also we do not just put out token kelp occasionally to say we feed it, we try very hard to keep it in front of the cows all the time. 


Our laying flock of Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks are free to roam, wherever they please, on our nutrient dense pastures.  Their portable hen house (egg mobile) is moved every 2-3 days to a new area of our 200 acres. Notice the bright orange yolks on those eggs!  The hens on our farm our also supplemented with Non-GMO whole grains (wheat, barley, oats, field peas, and black sunflower seeds) soaked in skim milk.



All of the chicken we sell is from pastured broilers and either fed a Non- GMO verified feed or a NON-GMO verified, Soy free feed.  We have partnered with Eden Farm who produces all the different cut up chicken parts that we sell as well as producing the Non-GMO, soy free feed chicken that we sell.  When it is chicken that you want to feed your cat or dog, this is the best!



Our apprentice, Adam, is manager of our pork operation. Our pigs are forest-raised from the time we get them as piglets. They are moved to a new paddock weekly. Rooting and running about, they get about half of their nutrition from the vegetation of the forest. The other half comes from organic barley and skim milk from the cream making process. 

Visiting Us

We love visitors and giving tours; e-mail us at alicia@fullcirclerealfoods.com and we will set up a time.  All pets are welcome!

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  • Across the River Coffee Roasters

    We personally know the husband and wife team that source and roast the coffee and love supporting them. Here is the short blurb from the package label:  We started living a rough lifestyle; parties, dysfunction, and addiction for 15 years.  Before meeting, we ended our selfish lifestyles and gave our hearts to Jesus.  Years later we met, married, and found passion working together discipling others with similar backgrounds.  We love broken people, coffee, and Jesus.

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  • Amish Farm

    Dennis, who grew up Amish Mennonite, has a close relationship to the Amish in PA.  In fact, the 2 Amish farms that we get the majority of our PA products from were friends and neighbors when Dennis was growing up.  We have a long standing relationship with these farmers and visit them, when we can, while in PA.  They are both big supporters of the Weston A. Price Foundation, www.westonaprice.org, and therefore try to produce the most nutrient dense foods, on 100% grass.  We are very pleased to be able to support them.  When you buy our cheese, butter, beets and a few other products, you are supporting them as well.

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  • Eden Farms

    In 2009, we started to raise chickens for our own nutrient-dense foods. We met Dennis, and he encouraged us to sell our chickens and eggs as well as mentored us on pasture-raised poultry. This lead to our partnership with him to raise eggs, chickens, and turkeys when he was expanding his family and his dairy operation. We started with 300-400 chickens per year for meat and approximately 40-50 egg layers. At present, we are raising 700 chickens every Spring and every Fall as well as 50 turkeys each Fall, and  250 egg layers per year. Over the years, we have continually tried to improve our products by better land management, better feeds as they have come available, and improved packaging. We now sell NGMO chickens, turkeys, eggs, and  broth. Our newest product is soy-free eggs. Shrink wrap is used on most of our chicken products to preserve freshness.

    Our mission is to provide you with the best nutrient-dense foods we can produce in accordance with the Weston A. Price diet guidelines, being as cost effective as possible.   

    We welcome your comments. 

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  • Farm Friend's

    Produced by our good friends and fellow followers of the Weston A Price Foundation, just 15 minutes from Full Circle Farm.

    Their cows are a mix of A-1 and A-2 cows which are rotated daily to new pasture and are on the same mineral program that Full Circle Farm cows are on, including free choice kelp.

    They are 100% Grass Fed and 100% Organic.

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  • Fellowship of the Food

    Austin, Janelle, Zac & Emma Heebner. 

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  • Forestville Farm

  • Full Circle Farm

    We are a family owned and operated farm producing nutrient dense foods the old fashioned way with a modern twist. Our foods have no chemicals of any kind including no hormones or anti-life (biotics). We go way beyond the federal governments organic standards. We offer Non-GMO eggs/chicken, 100% grass fed beef, forest fed pork (Joel Salatin style), raw dairy products (milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.). We also offer educational seminars at the farm or at your location and farm consulting to help you get started farming. We love visitors; contact us and we will set an appointment to give you a farm tour.

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  • Goodson's Gardens

    Goodson's Gardens

    We are a small Market Garden on the Northside of Jacksonville, Florida. Everything we sell is grown right here on our 3 acre family farm. We grow salad mixes, greens, seasonal veggies, microgreens, herbs, and occasionally flowers. 

    It is our aim to grow all of our produce using methods that are both good for the earth and good for you. Soil health is the basis of healthy plants and we strive to build up the life of our soil using methods such as compost, natural soil amendments, and cover crops. We NEVER use pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers on our farm. 

    These practices all contribute to producing veggies that are super fresh, flavorful and nutritiously dense!

    Find out more at goodsonsgardens.com or contact us at goodsonsgardens@gmail.com or call/text 904-476-7737. 

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  • Grass Fed Skin

    Grass Fed Skin

    Holistic skin care is just one part of the larger picture of embracing an organic, natural lifestyle. At Grass Fed Skin our focus is on inner well-being, radiating natural beauty from within. We have hand-picked the absolute finest ingredients, found in mother nature (not a laboratory). You won’t find any nasty chemicals or toxins in our products-just wholesome ingredients that love your skin as much as you do.

    Our commitment extends to both your well-being and our coastal paradise including everything from the ingredients we intentionally source to the plastic-free packaging containing them. From our family to yours, we are honored to be your worry free skin care source.

    Get to know us

    The Wheeler family photo.

    Our journey began with a commitment to maintaining a toxin-free environment in our home. After discovering the incredible benefits of tallow, we started formulating skin care products for our family. We were completely captivated by the extraordinary capabilities of the raw ingredients and this solution to skin care. Later, we began crafting products as gifts for our friends. Their enthusiastic response, along with requests for more, inspired the journey of launching our business. Rooted in Jacksonville Beach, our small business offers a solution for families who share that same toxin- free commitment.

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  • Kalacrow Wood Fired Pizza

    All of our pizzas are hand kneaded, hand tossed and cooked in our wood fired oven. We source a premium organic, non-gmo flour from Central Milling. The fresh mozzarella we source is a conventional product. Our vegetable and meat toppings are sourced as locally and organically as possible. We make our dough the traditional neapolitan way, always pre-fermented for a light and fragrant finished product.

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  • Leah's Farm

    Leah's Farm

    Neighbors to Full Circle Farm.  We have cultivated a good relationship the past few years and are excited to work with FCF to be a provider of truly free range, organic and soy free eggs!

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  • Live Ready Now

    Friends of ours who live in Bolivia.  They are producing there own tropical goodies like coffee, yerba mate, cacao and sugar cane.  We have a couple of their items to sell, all sustainably and organically produced, though not certified.  

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  • Longleaf Pasture Farm

  • Organic Krunch Catering and More

  • Pure Land Super Foods

  • Renate

  • Rugged Meats

    Rugged Meats


    I was a firefighter and my wife was an RN and despite busy, unpredictable lives and schedules, we still tried to
    maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. Because we were so busy at work we either rarely had time to eat or when we did, that meal would get interrupted. The hardest thing was that we couldn't find a high quality, healthy, portable snack option that actually tasted great so we set out to change that and Rugged Meats was born! Our meat snack products are not only incredibly healthy but also taste amazing! 

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  • Sweet River Farms

    Sweet River Farms

    We are farm owners David and Sheri, and we have been growing vegetables
    naturally since 2017 in Suwannee County. Prior to this, we grew palm
    trees, plants and vegetables with our family in the West Palm Beach area
    for over 40 years. Our goal is to promote sustainable agriculture and
    healthy eating alternatives. Our vegetables are grown in rich composted
    soil, and never treated with any chemicals or pesticides.

    Sweet River Farms is located along side of the beautiful Suwannee River
    in Live Oak, FL. We naturally grow over 40 vegetables and a small
    variety of fruits. We sell to local customers, online markets and
    farmers markets in the central and north Florida areas.

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  • White Rabbit Organics

    White Rabbit Organics

      If interested in ordering fresh organic root, we ship directly to you, please visit our website at: https://www.whiterabbitorganic.com/.

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