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Eat Liver! 8/26/16

posted on

August 27, 2016

Do you eat your liver? It is healthy, loaded with nutrients and many good things for life! I was going to write this already when a customer asked this week how to make it more palatable. Alicia is becoming quite good at making liver more edible, here, so I wanted to share a few tips. First of all anything tastes a bit better with bacon so cook it with bacon or at least bacon grease. We do not throw away any bacon grease in our house and we eat a lot of bacon! We use it in place of lard for frying and if it is left over after that I will butter my bread with it and eat it. Bacon grease and lard are stable under heat so they do not go up in smoke like olive oil so we highly recommend those for frying. Save your olive oil for salad dressing. So, fry up the bacon first, set aside, add onions to the pan and cook to desired tenderness. Remove onions and then fry up the liver. Serve altogether. We like to crumble up the bacon and place in a separate bowl. If you still need help swallowing it use Honey Mustard Kimchee from Creative Cultures. I do not remember how we stumbled upon this combination but it sure is the PERFECT accompaniment to liver. ALL of our kids will eat liver every time we have it and all eat it with the Honey Mustard Kimchee. Another trick we use is that we usually have ice cream for dessert when we serve liver. No one here gets ice cream without first eating liver so a bit of motivation always helps. Alicia’s grandmother used to de-vein the liver. We do not take the time to remove the veins but Alicia’s dad says that his mom spoiled him and to this day he cannot eat it without the veins removed. So this does not have to be done and I do not know what liver is like that way but he says it is better. I think de-veining the liver would make the prep work quite difficult and our consumption would decrease if the time and effort to prepare, increased. Right now we have chicken liver on sale and plenty of cow liver as well as super cheap pork liver. Dogs and cats also thrive on this food so do not forget this for your pets. Alicia has also made chopped liver (chicken) and liver pate (pork and chicken) and both are super delicious. In fact, so good I could eat them for dessert, most days. If we had the time I think we could make these as well as prepackaged dog and cat food to sell.

In nature predators will often eat the livers first then go to other organs and finally muscle meat. In today's society, we humans are too "civilized" for this, but, if you want to take your health to the next level it might be just the thing to do. Weston Price found that the Eskimos in the north fed organ meat to the dogs pulling the dog sleds because it gave them energy and without the organs the dogs were just not the same. So organ meat was a super food for them, probably is the ultimate super food on the planet.

I can hear someone gasping and saying “BUT the liver is the filter for the body and filled with toxins of all kinds”. NOT true. For one thing, you are thinking of a filter like the filter on your car where it collects and holds the bad stuff and must be replaced with a new filter. Your car filter is dead but a liver is alive and constantly discarding the toxins it filters, it does not hold them, waiting for replacement. Instead it constantly dumps these toxins and renews itself. The human liver has over 4 thousand known functions and many scientists believe many thousands more to be discovered. It is said that a good portion of your liver can be cut out or lost say like in a car accident or something and you body will grow a whole new liver. It is so important to the body that it will do anything to replace it and FAST! Also, remember our human liver may have junk in it because we eat junk and thus our bodies have to deal with it but our cows do not eat junk foods. Our cows do not eat foods with labels on them with all kinds of unpronounceable things in it. Our cows eat grass that is grown on good, alive, clean soil. Soil that is loaded with nutrients and soil that grows clean food for the cow. Environmental toxins, yes, but then grass is loaded with chlorophyll the ultimate detox program for cows. Our cows do not eat grain here at FCF. Our pigs and chickens eat grain and yes this would be a source of some toxins even though the grain is largely grown without chemicals; it would carry some environmental toxins. Well our pigs and chickens are also eating their greens and the chlorophyll is there to detox them as well. Also our animals do not get any kind of chemicals after coming to our farm. As stated in the last letter Re: our lamb, they do not continue to get chemical wormer. Our pigs and chickens for the most part are not given chemicals before they come here but certainly not after. For our beeves and milk cows these are not wormed nor vaccinated or given any other form of chemical. We do not use chemicals on land or animal here and before you buy meat from other farms you would do well to ask about these things, especially if you eat the liver.

So eat your liver, especially if you have any kind of health issues, are hoping to have healthy children or just want to prevent health issues in your future. To read further on this subject go here.

FCF Classifieds:
Lily has one livestock guardian puppy left, $250.

Thank you for voting with your pocket book and supporting a local small farm,
Dennis and Alicia

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