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Are Supplements Necessary if you Are Eating a Nutirent Rich Diet? 4/6/18

posted on

April 6, 2018

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts,

Since 2 weeks ago, when we put out the Melaleuca (M)  Co. videos, lots of questions have come in like, “If you eat a WAP style diet do you need to supplement?” and I love questions so here goes. Our cows have a mineral box in front of them at all times which contains calcium, phosphorus, copper, sulfur, sodium, kelp, iodine, magnesium, potassium, plus trace mineral mixes that contain cobalt, boron, iron, manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Zinc.  It contains several vitamin mixes too. So, our cows are supplemented and we eat 80
to 90% food from off our own farm so we feel like our supplements are fed to our cows and we get them second hand. So,  yes we supplement but a little differently from most people. I believe the M Co has great supplements but that is not my focus there.  My focus is the children being poisoned by dishwasher soap, which is the most frequent call to the poison control.  This has to stop.  We are on a mission. Meanwhile if cows can get what they need immediately at any time of any day they will produce healthy nutrient dense food, milk, cream, butter etc. You
will not have cavities if you eat like we do and you will not have a lot of other problems either. But alas, most farmers cannot be bothered, so maybe most need supplements after all, it depends on what you eat, really.

Another thing I would like to address is this thing of farmers eating their own separate stash. Many sell one thing then do something special, on the side, like sell grain fed but drink only from a separate cow on grass. Many farmers sell eggs but raise their own separate chickens for eggs on the side that they eat. We eat what you eat if you buy from us, no separate stash and we never will.  I know commercial dairies here in the area that do not even drink their own milk.  BTW a related issue, we are so delighted with our Tallahassee beef partner,  we have not had one
single complaint and I know around our table we have had LOTS of compliments to the chef.  Jimmy beef was done by a world class expert but, on a recovering tree nursery. Tally beef is in a forest setting where the cows are getting lots of variety and I think it comes thru in flavor and nutrition. In the next few months we will start offering Tally beef half and whole on the web site and a place to get your order in for fall harvest.

This well done article, below, was found on the newsletter from the organic sulfur people. I like the letter and recommend it AND the Vitamin D Counsel letter as well, but I do not take sulfur or vitamin D for the reason given
above.  If cows are outside in the sun they have a LOT of D in the milk. The same with chickens, you should see them sun themselves.  They “lay out,” spreading there wings, catching the Vitamin D.  Chickens living in
houses are not able to do this. So, if confined, vit. D is VERY low in the egg. Almost ALL eggs and dairy in stores are housed inside.

Update from Ben the Pork Guy:

... a Good-bye and Thank you

Thanks again for your support. By the time you read this I will have moved up to Virginia on March 28th (which is also my birthday). I am joining Whiffletree farm up near DC to continue expanding my knowledge of grass-based farming of beef, pork, chicken and eggs. It has been encouraging to meet so many of you over the last few years,
whether during on-farm pickups, at the Gainesville Farmers Market, on the delivery route (back when I was doing that), or through phone calls and email. Dennis and Alicia and the FCF team certainly have a wonderful customer base of people committed to consuming nutrient dense food that rejuvenates both the body and the land. I believe a good society must be founded on good food which roots us to the land, and teaches us inter-dependence with each other. I think we should have a national "inter-dependence day" because we are all connected to the land, the farmers, the animals, the air and water, its all part of a whole ecosystem that is inter-connected, and ultimately
that whole will be well or ill, depending on our actions and purchasing habits.  My dearest hope is that this movement of back-to-the-land farming and eating grows, and expands all over the country. There are so many small farms trying to do it right, and many consumers around the country reaching out for raw milk and clean meat. You are part of a movement of hope, which can grow healthy children and help heal Americans from sickness of body and mind. 

Peace and Blessings on you all and thanks again for patronizing the pork business under my stewardship, and for patronizing Full Circle Farm as a whole. I was happy to be part of a team doing something meaningful, and I am happy to hand the baton to Josh and Murphy who will be taking my place managing the pork business, and pulling orders as I was doing. 

There is still plenty of pork in stock, which you can view on the website:

-Peace and Love


Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,

Dennis and Alicia

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