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Bulk Beef, FCF Talk In Lake City, And Half Off - Sales 9/7/18

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September 7, 2018

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts,

The world of FCF is unfolding just like I had envisioned a few months ago. After using Melaleuca products for 2 years we looked at each other and said “why are we not telling people about this?”. Then I thought of my friend who was raising funds for his prison ministry and approached him about it as a way to do just that. He said, "no" and the next day it dawned on me, ”Why not share Melaleuca to raise funds for my very own ministry, here at the farm and the future vision I have to expand it?” I did not sit around very long after that, staring at my belly button, and increasingly I am seeing an amazing potential here. Read the below from another customer, completely unsolicited and unedited in any way:

Hi Dennis, hope everything is going great for you guys on the farm. I've been meaning to send you this email for over a week now, but you know how farm life can make us procrastinate in other areas :) I wanted to tell you how impressed I've been with the Melaleuca laundry detergent and fabric softener. I'm not big on ordering their food items since I try to steer clear of processed foods, no matter how healthy they appear to be, so my first order consisted of all cleaning materials! I am one of "those" people who do laundry every single day. I used to make my own out of baking soda, Dr. Bronner's soap and essential oils but I found that since I had an HE washer, the soap started to clog up the lines and it became a messy situation. So I turned to purchasing Method or Seventh Generation brands (whichever was on sale). So of course I was a bit skeptical when I ordered the Melaleuca Melapower 6x for the HE washer because I'm thinking it can't possibly be better than the big names I've been using. I opened the box and when I saw how small the Melapower bottle was (48oz), I was even more skeptical! I thought this couldn't possibly last very long. I was completely mistaken. Melapower laundry detergent is the BEST laundry detergent (and its fabric softener) that I have ever used. I've been looking so long for a good, natural laundry soap that actually cleans your clothes. We are outside almost all day and my husband's clothes not only get that gross kinda dirty you can only imagine but the smell is just unbearable! ha ha (He would kill me if he knew I was writing this!) The Melapower laundry detergent and fabric softener actually cleans his clothes and leaves them smelling so fresh and clean. The bottle is small but if you use the pump and follow as directed, it really does last a long time. I have been watching videos on Melaleuca's website which earns me loyalty bucks and I can use that towards my bill so I'm actually saving 40% of what I would normally spend when I shop at Target for all of my cleaning supplies. I have also used the dishwashing soap and this general purpose cleaner called 'Tough & Tender 12x'. The Tough & Tender cleaner smells so good, I can't even describe it. I use it to clean my bathrooms and my kitchen (everything, anywhere, it's completely safe) but because I'm a woman, I'm swooned more by the smell, it's just amazing. All of these products are completely free of bleach, formaldehyde, phthalates, toxic chemicals, etc. I admit, I was skeptical because these days people are just trying to make money or get rich quick by taking someone else's money. I told myself that if these products didn't perform the way I expected them to, I would cancel. But the products actually work better than I expected, they are cheaper than what I was buying at Target and it's safer for the environment. Did I mention how great they work? It's amazing. It's everything I've believe in and I'm extremely happy to be one of your customers. Even if you're making money simply by me signing up, I couldn't be happier to support you, your farm and anything else I can do to make companies like these [and farms like yours] flourish.  Thank you Dennis, and if I run across a product that I don't like, I will certainly let you know of those also!  Blessings always, MistyAll 

Beef Pet Food is back. This comes from older cows that are too thin for us to eat but very good food for our pets. We had a run of it for a couple of months and we heard from many of you that you hoped we would not run out. Well, we did run out but it is back and we now have a 5 pack bundle discount on our web site.

Ground Beef SALE!  Our Tallahassee beef partner has lots of old cows that need to go and these make amazing ground beef since the older the animal the more nutrients are stored in the meat and bones.  Just like an old laying hen makes wonderful stewing hen broth. So, to move these cows in an honorable way we want to do a sale on our Tallahassee partner ground beef. It is time to buy a freezer, folks, and stock up good!Bulk box beef purchases are now possible on our web site as well as some 1/8th beeves cut in smaller portion sizes, see them here:

Beef stock now half price.see here. 

Dennis speaking in Lake City  I will be speaking at the library at 6:30 on Sept 10th on health and healthy farming. Come ask good questions. Lake City Library this coming Monday eve: 308 NW Columbia AveLake City, FL 32055

New support group in Live Oak  What: A book Study: The Road to Recovery, Bridges between the Bible and the Twelve StepsWhen: Thursday Evenings starting Jan 10th, 2019, 7PM to 8:30PMWhere: St Francis Church 928 E. Howard Street Live Oak, FL 32064.   Facilitators: Judy Williams and Dennis Stoltzfoos Details:

Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,
Dennis and Alicia

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