Come, Eat, Learn and Live! 11/2/18

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November 1, 2018

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts,
This Sunday afternoon, November 4th we will be speaking in Jacksonville at the WAPF chapter meeting from 2 to 4PM at:  2776 Flynn Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32223. Please RSVP to Diane Royal:  

November 12th at 6:30 PM we will speak for the second time at the Lake City Library for the Healing Strong Chapter. This is a wonderful group of people, if you live nearby please come and get connected.

November 29th 9:45 AM right here on the farm we will do a large group farm tour for free, There will be a home school group and the Healing Strong Lake City chapter here, at the same time and we are opening it up to anyone who wants to come for a full tour then lunch on the lawn(your own picnic) weather permitting.  

Turkey Time.  Between now and Thanksgiving we will have turkeys, regular and heritage. To order go here.

Life is good here on the farm and progress is being made like seldom before.  I have incredible help and we are making the pieces fly. I have not ever had an intern that worked harder or more efficiently and was as engaged with his work. Brad even remembers things I forget, which is huge.  People who truly engage with their work are an asset and rare indeed.Our intern Brad will be presenting a strength finding class here, November 17th, 10AM for $25.  RSVP is needed. We all have strengths and weaknesses.  This class helps you find and focus on what you are good at instead of your weak points. When you function in what brings you joy or energizes you, you are at your best and most productive. Brad has done this for individuals and teams and will present this class here to help anyone interested. There is homework to be done before the class and lunch prepared by the FCF chef (included in the cost) so we need to know who will be coming.  Please RSVP by purchasing here or if interested in registering or have questions email me

Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,
Dennis and Alicia

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