Cream Sorrows and Some Sales 4/21/18

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April 21, 2018

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts,

It's an awesome time of year on the farm.  We have the most luscious grasses, 1 to2 feet high, thick, rich, deep rooted, nutrient dense food for cows. Our rye crop this year is outstanding to say the least. We stopped feeding hay, or I should say the cows stopped eating hay, a few weeks ago and for several months were really just eating enough to balance the intense richness of young fast growing rye grasses. These grasses are sometimes so rich the cows want a little hay to balance it all out and so that they can ruminate effectively. Tis the season for many spring babies and we have many: the trees are budding and leafing out, calves and goat kids are dancing and prancing and we also have a good crew of interns and new help.  It all adds up to a great time here at Full Circle. Off the farm we are helping people get chemicals out of their homes and cleaning up the environment with better, safer, cheaper cleaning products from the "M" Co. If timing is right for you to make the switch simply be in touch ( or 386-776-2770) and we will show you the way. Last month Melaleuca helped 110k households around the globe make the switch but we are still unknown to 99.5 % of people out there. Lots of work to do and money to make to expand our vision here, join us.

Cream separator troubles!

Many of you have noticed our cream was not thick or too thick. Yes, we have a problem.  Our faithful machine bit the dust after serving us for 15 years.  The new one is on its way and cost $4100, not something we wanted to spend money on and even tried replacing some parts first, but you all know how life can happen. So that explains it, our cream mess ups, if anyone needs a credit let us know.  It is no problem as we have such an abundance of milk right now.  And please understand, we are doing the very best we can.

We are not Wal-Mart, K-Mart or Burger King. 

We are not a heartless large corporation. We are a small family farm, with partners. We work hard to make available the nutrient dense foods that we also serve to our family.  Last week I had a very interesting phone call where an older gent could not understand why we had so many products "Out of Stock" and when I tried to explain to him that beef liver and chicken liver are seasonal products because: 1.  They are in limited supply and 2. We do not butcher chickens and cows all year long, he proceeded to ask the same question again!  Oh boy I was not getting anywhere.  I really did not know what to say but I want to tell my readers thank you for supporting a small family farm that often runs out of things. Those of you who have been here a while know that dairy products often get short in winter and long in summer as we flow with the seasons.  Eggs can ebb and flow, we try to adjust accordingly. We expect the same from those who buy from us. We do not reserve a stash of chicken for ourselves, although we could and have a right to do so, but we have decided to feel the pain too and not do that. For example we are out of beets right now, you know how good those beets are and how painful it is to not have them, but we do not have them in our house either. We want to flow with the seasons and not necessarily have everything year round. It is probably better for us all that way, anyway. Right now we have salad every day, fresh from our garden but in a month this will not be so, there is no way to preserve fresh lettuce!    

Sale on Sheep's Milk. 

We have realized that  Sheep's milk over 6 months old goes through a texture change. It becomes more like a watery ricotta cheese consistency but the taste is palatable as it is not sour. We have a bunch and would like to part with it quickly, for $3/quart, which is $9 off the original price. First come first served. Email me personally at if you need details.

Colostrum is plentiful this time of year and if you are trying to heal or are under stress of any kind this will be healing food for your body. It is so extremely high in nutrients it tastes like medicine and may need to be disguised in shakes or smoothies. When we planted 1500 trees here 10 years ago I drank a quart a day and it really helped get me thru a very challenging month. I highly recommend this for anyone. Colostrum is the first milk from the cows and it is loaded down with nutrients big time. If you want to move forward rapidly in terms of health and healing fast this may be it. Our colostrum comes frozen so keep it frozen until you want to use it, then thaw it out and drink, or add as ice to shakes and smoothies. 

Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,
Dennis and Alicia

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