Millions of Green Babies 12/1/17
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December 2, 2017
For the last number of years we were able to buy some milk cows from our friends who run a grass fed dairy, around the month of October. This year we have not yet completed that transaction, although it might
happen yet in the next month or two. This is one reason our milk supply is running low. Bear with us as we wait. All systems are go here to grow but the usual has not come thru yet, till that happens milk supply will be tight. I call it milk wars. It is a good thing people want this food, that they want to heal and know that nutrient dense foods is the
way to that. All I can say is we are doing our best here, we have lots of peas in the pasture and the rye that is coming looks amazing. Now we need the cows. Meanwhile try our amazing cheese.
Jesse Green of Greenway Farm is 80 years old and has decided to quit. He is the one who, 10 years ago at 70, got mad at the GMO crap out there and decided to do something about it. He bought a grits mill from India and planted heirloom corn. 10 years later it is a thriving business with little competition, that he says could go far. Cost of the whole thing and getting it set up to go properly capitalized and all is about 25 to 35k if anyone is interested in it or loaning us the money to do it let me know. I believe I have the people to do this thing but I do not have the capital but I really hate to see the operation go to nothing.
We have been sampling the steaks and ground beef from our new Tallahassee beef partner and we are quite pleased. The steaks have been tasty and tender and the ground beef is superb in flavor, as well. These folks are not one of the top cattle men in the world like Jimmy but they have been to Jimmys seminars and are doing most of what he teaches. If you have not tried our beef in a while you may want to try this as it is better than most.
Millions and millions of babies, baby rye plants that is. I say this almost every year but it is an awesome thing to see. One of the greatest joys for me in the farming scene is to see these little ones come up and grow on our farm. We plant rye every year in November and it is usually ready for grazing by January. This year we are hoping for a lot
more clover. This spring we spread 225 tons of high calcium lime on our 100 acres of grass and that will adjust upward the PH of our soils since we were just a bit low for the clover to germinate and thrive here. Clover is a legume which fixes nitrogen which is growing power, it is the energy a plant needs to grow. Cows love it as well and it also provides some variety in our forage base. It also reseeds itself so does not need to be planted every year. It will come up by itself next year and the following. The seeds will also be carried onto our new land and grow there when we get that PH adjusted up.
Final pigs for the year going to the butcher this week if anyone needs halves or whole pork.
Mercola is so “on” it!!!
Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,
Dennis and Alicia