Snacks? 9/23/16

posted on

October 21, 2016

Hello SMALL Farm Enthusiasts!
From Ben the pork guy: Thank you to everyone who has been buying pork, and supporting the sustainable pork enterprise at FCF. I am continuing to start groups of 15 pigs every 2 months. We have 3 groups going right now. We buy piglets at 8 weeks old from our breeder near Madison, FL. The breed is Gloucestershire Old Spots. We are happy with our breeder because he starts the pigs off well. He moves the pigs regularly in outdoor paddocks that are part wooded, and part pasture that is planted in edibles. Also he does not wean the piglets until 5 or 6 weeks so that they get a good start from their mama's milk. More updates to come...

We have plenty of Bacon and Pork Chops right now so please consider buying some.

Update from Eden Farm:
Our pullets just started laying. So our supply of eggs will start increasing, and we should have plenty of eggs for the Holidays. All eggs are soy free NGMO and will be priced at $7.00/ dozen.
Also the turkeys are growing fast. Start thinking about what size you will need for Thanksgiving. We anticipate butchering around the first or second week in October. More to come later on reserving your turkey, the sizes offered, etc.
Thank you for your past support and cooperation.
Karen and Ed

"What do you all do for snacks?” We have gotten this question several times and thought it was time to let you in on a money saving snack option that we use in our home. We do not eat snacks! It saves money, as snack foods can be expensive and it can save you all sorts of time especially if you make your own healthy snacks. In our house we eat 3 good meals. Breakfast is always high in protein and fat: bacon and eggs, sausage and eggs or omelets. Start your day off with no carbs and you will be surprised at how much less you need to eat in a day! Lunch is our main meal since we are all here, all day and are blessed to have this option (one of the perks of living and working on a farm). So, noon is our dinner which consists of a meat portion, like meat loaf, pork or beef roast, chicken etc.. and a salad or vegetable and sauerkraut is always served. Supper is when we eat the majority of our carbohydrates although still few comparatively speaking. We usually have a Cultured Milk Smoothie made according to Nourishing Traditions recipe, page 88. We also like soup or left overs for this lighter meal. When available we put out bologna and cheese which our children can eat as much or as little as they want. Since we do not eat between meals our children are always hungry for the next meal and they eat well. The only time they do not eat well is when we bake something and they get to eat something sweet before the meal. In fact snacks/carbs can be detrimental because they keep you from eating the more nourishing foods at meal time. Snacks are not necessary if your children are getting enough fat and protein. Foods high in fat that we eat regularly: cream, coconut oil, bacon, bacon drippings, sausage, butter, lard, cheese. . If you want to save some money on your food budget cut out the snacks which may mean cutting out those comforting carbs that you as the parent might like to eat throughout the day as well. Fat and protein are satiating and I would not recommend cutting out snacks unless your meals are satisfying.
Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more sustainable future,
Dennis and Alicia

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