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Too Much Government Control! 7/15/17

posted on

July 18, 2017

FCF News

Hello SMALL Farm Enthusiasts,

I saw the below in another farm's letter and chose to run it exactly as it was written:

Plentiful rain and the warm sunshine is growing a lot of grass. The
volume of feed on the farm is just past its annual peak. The deer hide
their fawns in the tall grass so when we are out there moving the cattle
we’re surprised at who all has occupancy of the fields. The red winged
blackbirds, like many other birds, nest in the grass or on thistle
stems. Because of the productivity of the fields in our managed grazing,
the abundance of the habitat is there and wildlife thrives. Our farm is
a huge filter for the rainfall. The run off coming off our farm, in the
rare times that water does run off, is clear. We are not muddying any
streams and there is no glyphosate, no chemicals polluting the
Chesapeake Bay or its tributaries from our farm. Imagine a landscape
like this if we could convince our neighbors to husband their fields
responsibly. The clean air. The clean water. The happy animals. The
healthy people.

We would like you to know that you are all helping to make this
happen. We are all in this together! The world is a better place because
of what you choose to eat.

As of this July we have been milking our own herd of cows for 30 years.
Little did we realize at the time that ours was to be an all grass
organic dairy. Twenty years ago we dove into supplying this milk to an
eager clientele. Ten years ago we were in the thick of the controversy
the Feds and the state stirred up with us. A few weeks ago Amish man,
father and grandfather Samuel Girod, the chickweed salve maker, was
sentenced to 6 years in prison… We know this innocent man. Please pray
for him and his family.

The above is the end of the other farms letter. Search the web if you
are able to support Sam Girod. Another good cause is below. Do as you
are lead.

Subject: vaccine lawsuit (Sent to us via the Weston Price Chapter Leader of Jacksonville).

I heard Alan Phillips  speak at the Wise Traditions Conference last
November about vaccine rights.  I was able to speak with him afterwards
and learned that he had testified the previous week in Gainesville, FL
at the appeal of a lawsuit filed in Florida by local parents against the
Diocese of St. Augustine.  Since I had not heard anything of this
lawsuit since then, I just contacted him to see if I could get an
update, and I learned that the appeal decision was just recently
announced against the parents.  Alan's reply is copied below.

II would love to see this case go to the US Supreme Court if necessary,
but right now they need $15-20,000 to appeal to the FL Supreme Court. 
Can anyone help?!

Thanks very much!

Diane Royal

Jacksonville FL Chapter Leader

This is what Alan’s link says:

ALERT - FL Court rules Catholic school can require vaccines as
"religion" over parents' state & fed rights! Please help us appeal
this decision now!

View this email in your browser

FL Appellate Court Confuses Medical Science & Religion

Lawsuit to Save Religious Exemption

Last week, Florida's First District Court of Appeals ruled in favor of a
Catholic bishop's abrupt change of policy that now forbids religious
exemptions in his diocese's schools, despite parent's state statutory
and federal Constitutional right to  exercise the exemption. The court
erroneously framed the dispute as being a conflict between the parents'
and diocese's religious beliefs. However, the court ignored two simple,
critical legal points: 1) One does not have a Constitutionally protected
religious belief simply by claiming so, the belief must be objectively
"rooted in religion." Vaccination, of course, is unquestionably rooted
in science, and the law sees science and religion as mutually exclusive
realms (what in the world was the court thinking?!); and 2) The court
completely ignored the Catholic school's participation in a state
program in which participants agree, by state law, to follow all Florida
laws. So, even if the bishop could refuse religious exemptions
otherwise, he waived that right by his participation in that state

There were many other problems with the court's opinion, including the
court overstepping its authority by questioning the legislative findings
about vaccines and infectious disease, a step prohibited by the U.S.
Supreme Court's landmark 1905 Jacobson v. Mass vaccine case that remains
the foundation for vaccine policy to this day.

The FL appellate court's decision has disturbing implications. If a
church can unilaterally declare that vaccination is a "religious" belief
without the court applying the legally required objective assessment,
and thereby remove itself from state authority, what else can the church
unilaterally deem "religious" to remove its actions from state
scrutiny? Indeed, what could it *not* randomly deem to be a religious
belief to escape state scrutiny? Can any religious school now require
any medical treatment for its students in the name of religion? The FL
appellate court has blatantly stepped outside of well-established law
and created a very dangerous slippery slope. Whatever the reason--fear
of infectious disease, fear of retaliation from the Catholic Church, or
who knows what--this horrible decision *must* be challenged!

The immediate concern is religious schools in Florida; and secondarily,
religious schools throughout the nation that will no doubt use this
decision to justify mandating vaccines in violation of parents'
Constitutional rights. But the buck will not stop there. Like every
other erosion of our rights, this is just one more step toward the
eventual goal of removing all exemption rights for anyone, anywhere, at
anytime. So, unless we stop this train now, it will continue to gain
speed as it rolls further down the track.

The family is already $20K in the hole from the trial and first level of
appeal, and they need about $15K - $20K within the next 3 weeks to
retain counsel to ask the Florida State Supreme Court to review and
reverse the court of appeals' erroneous decision. Please donate, and
please spread the word. If a few thousand people each donate just a few
dollars, we'll get there, but we won't get there if you leave this to
everyone else. Please help -- donations in any amount are appreciated!

The Go Fund Me page is here:

Lawsuit to Save Religious Exemption

If sufficient funds are not raised or the FL State Supreme Court refuses
to hear this case, all funds will go toward the family's current legal

Questions about the case:

Vaccine Rights Attorney Alan Phillips, J.D. 

Co-counsel pro hac vice & pro bono

Begin forwarded message:


We just got the decision, it was against the parents, and we're trying
to raise money with only a couple of weeks left to challenge this

Alan Phillips, Esq.

Attorney and Counselor at Law

Asheville, NC 828-676-2831

Vax Radio Shows:

Vaccine Exemption E-book:

*You may be added to my e-newsletter subscriber list. Please tell me if you object, or just unsubscribe.*

Pork Update:

We have lots of Pork and lots of Sales. With various new 5 pack options
for further discounts. Please check out the pork listings on the
website. We are a bit over-stocked on pork, so please help us clear
space in the walk-in for upcoming steaks, lamb, and other goodies. 


From Ben the Pork Manager

 In this post you'll find a photo of Sheep, goats and dogs enjoying the "cool" of the evening (if there is such a thing in hot, humid Florida).

Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,

Dennis and Alicia

More from the blog

Trial Date: October 21st, Please Come And Show Your Support

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts, Our trial date is set for October 21st at the Suwannee County Courthouse in Live Oak, FL. We would like to ask you to drop everything and come to the trial. The more people we can get into that room the better off we will be. If you want to say something on our behalf you may be allowed but if you want to observe, only, that works too. The judge will be persuaded by numbers of people interested in this case.

Rabbit, Chestnuts, Micro-Greens And A Trial 9/20/19

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts, We may be going to trial. We are alleged criminals for selling food without a proper license. They sent an undercover investigator to our farm to buy our food and caught us red handed. We are charged with a second degree misdemeanor just like a druggy. Yes it is a very sick world we live in when the farmer and his wife who neither have ANY previous record are accused of a crime and the crime is something that people have been doing since the beginning of time.

Kefir, a Glass a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away and Persimmons A-plenty 9/6/19

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts, Kefir made from raw, 100% grass fed milk is an amazing super food loaded with friendly bacteria for your gut. A healthy person will have 2 to 6 lbs of healthy bacteria in their gut. Another way to say this is that a healthy person will have 80% good bacteria and 20% bad in the gut but most Americans have this ratio reversed. This imbalance affects the immune function as these friendly bacteria are a huge part of your immune system.