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Vaxxed, Great American Farm Tour and 60 Additional Acres! 3/24/17

posted on

April 8, 2017

Hello SMALL Farm Enthusiasts,

We are excited to announce that there will be a VAXXED Screening event in Gainesville on Sunday, March 26th.

The #1 priority for the VAXXED team is to record vaccine-injury stories. If you know anyone who would like to share their story, please have them contact Afton Brown at or 386-365-7549 as soon as possible to get on the schedule. They would also love to hear from any families who have completely unvaccinated children who haven't needed medications, don't have health issues, etc.  We will be sharing our own story of how we have had 6 healthy children without the help of any vaccines.  No, we are NOT some crazy people asking for an end to ALL vaccines, we are sane, healthy, deep thinking folks asking for an end to the cruelty of mercury and GMO’s and  other deadly substances being injected into our kids.

***LOCATION & TIMES CHANGE!!! Please share far & wide.***

Due to circumstances out of our control, this awesome event has a new location. The event has been moved to: 

The Civic Media Center

433 S Main St

Gainesville, FL.  

Event times will now be as follows:

2:00-5:00 interviews (schedule with Afton Brown), meet & greet, bus signings. 

5:30-6:30 Live Q&A with Dr. Humphries & Polly Tommey, Producer. 

7:00-8:30 VAXXED film (free, FCFS seating)

Please help us spread the word about these changes. We have spent a lot of time, money & resources advertising this event. It's unfortunate we were cancelled 2 1/2 days prior, however we are most excited about our new location and thankful for the support they've given us during this time.

Justin Rhodes comes again! Many of you saw the videos Justin made, a few weeks ago when he was here.  This time we will host an ice cream party meet up here at the farm for all who want to join us. The schedule will go something like this:  farm tour from 4 to 6(free), then 6 to 8 ice cream party/fan club meet up with Justin Rhodes. This will happen Monday, March 27th, everyone welcome. We will be hand crankin ice cream as fast as possible and there should be plenty for all. The ice cream will be made out of our cream and Eden eggs so it is home made goodness all the way.


Our very own Kickstarter campaign:  There is 60 acres for sale directly north of us and connected to our existing land base here and we would really love to buy it.  The challenge is that we do not have the cash. This land is perfect for us, priced right at just 120k and would make a tremendous addition to our existing land base. Literally, just a few months ago I was feeling like we will not be able to expand much more here if we do not find some land and reached out to this owner for the 5th time since we have lived here. This time she finally responded. Over several months of back and forth we have come to a deal, 120k for 60 acres. We have an interested party to purchase half of it and we could do the other half but lack the cash. I have been thinking a LOT about how to do this and have come up with a workable plan similar to how we initially got started in farming 13 years ago. When we started farming, we did not have the cash either. So, we wrote a letter about a membership deal where people could pool their moneys together and pay in advance in increments of $100.  We would put this money in the bank and when we had $10k we would lease a farm and get started. Some gave $1000 and some $100 and some in between. Many of you remember it well and are still with us. We paid it all back, over time in product produced on that lease farm. We stayed on that farm 2.5 years. Then with some inheritance I got from my folks, we had enough to buy and move here, to Live Oak. Now is the time to expand. We have had slow and steady growth the whole 13 years of our existence, we feel like we need to jump on this land before it gets away. It is simpler for us to do this now as any moneys paid in advance can be placed as a credit on your account on our on line ordering system. As an interest payment we will give you a ten percent added credit, i.e. $100 gets you a $110 credit, $1000 gets you $1100 credit on your account and $5k gets you $5500. I believe you should only do this if you have already been a customer of ours for a year or more and are certain you can take the entire return in product. Only pay in advance for product, all advance moneys will be paid back in product only not cash, any questions my personal email is    

Delivery Locations and How They Work :  We make the goods here, nutrient dense foods.  Then we meet up with you all in the cities, in some places we have good, long meet ups with fridges for those who cannot make it in our pick up window.  In other places we do not have that.  If you live near one of our meet up places (pick up locations) and are willing to have a fridge for folks to come by later please let us know, as this is extremely helpful. Busy city folk often are challenged to meet up with us at a specified time and someone keeping stuff in a fridge temporarily is helpful in making this connection. We especially need this is Jacksonville right now if anyone there can do it. Email me to discuss details in logistics at  


 Ben's truck update. A BIG thank you to all of you who helped Ben with his truck. He has been knocked down and he has gotten back up and it is good to see people jump on an opportunity to help. Legal counsel has been helpful and we will update all at some point in this process.  If you would still like to help Ben get a new truck and help him with lawyer fees, that option is still available here.

New pick up location in Lake City.  See our web site for details.


Goat milk is abundant now as Lily has weaned and sold some babies.  Also, look for some incredible new products from this diligent 15 year old. I tasted something moreish in what she called cream cheese the other day. Moreish to me of course is most anything nutrient dense that tastes really yummy and my body says more more when I eat it, as well as the new chevre!

Lily with Tally's new born foal.

New Products:

Lettuce from our own garden.

Stinging Nettle Tea made from nettles growing on our farm.



Oriental Greens

Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,

Dennis and Alicia


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