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Update On Our Plight With The State And New Products! 7/26/19

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July 26, 2019

Many of you are asking about our situation with the state. In short the state is now requiring complete labels to get a pet food license. This will cost several thousand dollars and a lot of time and focus on the wrong thing. WE WANT TO FOCUS ON NUTRIENTS IN the food, not the package. We are discussing with our legal counsel, our options, and taking some time to process it all. Not sure where it will all lead but there may be changes afoot. One thing we know is we have had slow steady growth for 16 years and we would like to continue forward with freedom, not constraints that cause us to do things and spend money where it means nothing to you our faithful customers. Our next court date is August 6th which will be a further discovery into our crime of selling food without proper license and labels. We are charged with a second degree misdemeanor for this and put in a room full of people with drug charges and petty theft cases. Neither of us have any previous record of any kind and now we are being treated like criminals for something that people have been doing since the beginning of time. 

“WHY” Peas. I spoke about peas but did not really say why peas are so good here vs, for example, in PA where I come from. In PA peas are not needed. The grasses up there hold 8 to 10 % protein even after frosted or frozen but down here we have very different grass and it drops in protein to 2 to 5 % and cows need 8 to 10. So, if you stockpile forage here, like they do up north and expect the same result you are in for a shock. When Greg Judy and Joel Salatin came here and did seminars years ago they thought I should be able to go without hay, but both were clueless as to how it is done here, due to the very different climate and soil. Jimmy showed me the way and the how and explained the why. In our climate, here in Florida,  stock-piled grass for winter grazing does not have enough protein to digest so the cow will not eat it. That is why rye grass and Field Peas work so well for feeding cows in FL, in the winter. 

New Life, New Responsibility. It is pure joy to see new life here, again. I think I can say the whole clan here has been revitalized by having a baby in the house. I am especially proud of my 3 oldest girls. They have taken over the cooking and washing and packing orders and more, giving mama a BIG time break to enjoy her baby like never before. Several times I was sure momma cooked something but, no it was one of the 3 girls and every bit as good as momma's cooking, which I may say, she is one of the best chefs in the land, bar none.  I am very thankful that they have learned to cook from "scratch" and not from cans and boxes and other suedo-homemade products.  One of the best questions you can ask your farmer is what he eats.  If he eats junk, go support someone else. WHY Support a farmer who supports Monsatan? (Monsanto)

MBA from FCF School of Business: Its been a while since I last mentioned how our oldest daughter is earning her MBA so I will take a moment to do that now, for those of you who do not know. Our oldest, Lily, 17 years old, owns our goat operation and is one of VERY few goat keepers in our hot, humid state who uses very little chemical wormers on her goats. Most are using it monthly or so, just to keep the goats alive, is that the kind of food that nourishes? Our second daughter, Caroline, owns and operates our egg operation and our 3rd, Stella, does the pigs. So, they each have their very own gig here, getting an MBA at the school of real life.

New Products:  Lemon Grass Tea is now available!:  Unsweetened, Sweetened with Florida Forest Honey and new product, sweetened with Bolivian stevia sold by Full Circle Farm.

Fresh Basil:  Sweet and African Blue.   Organically grown with soil made from the manure of the cows on Full Circle Farm.  We made goat chops the other day with fresh, sweet basil and they were so good we had to share the recipe, created by Lily: Butter! Raw, delicious and always A2 A2.  It takes between 3-4 gallons of milk to make 1 pint of goat butter.  No wonder it's expensive!  

Grass! while this video says nothing about grazing cattle it does credit the importance of grass. Grazing cattle could be part of that equation and of course in the book called “Soil Grass and Cancer” Andre Voisin sure makes the connection. Make no mistake, the way to heal this planet and global warming is grazing cattle and grass and feeding the world this way.

Thanks for supporting a small, family farm and contributing to a more REGENERATIVE future,
Dennis and Alicia

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