Author: Alicia Stoltzfoos

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Come, Eat, Learn and Live! 11/2/18

This Sunday afternoon, November 4th we will be speaking in Jacksonville at the WAPF chapter meeting from 2 to 4PM at:  2776 Flynn Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32223. Please RSVP to Diane Royal:  For further details:

Coming To An Area Near YOU! 10/19/18

Find and FCF Event Near You! It seems like a good time to go out and speak about Full Circle Farm and tell how we differ from other farms. If you would like to hear directly from Dennis the farmer, how Full Circle Farm manages their animals, pastures and overall farm to bring you nutrient dense food, let us know and we would love to coordinate a meeting, like the ones happening below:

An Opportunity To Pay Ahead And Time For Beef And Turkey 10/5/18

A Helping Hand From South Africa: I am enjoying an amazing, chomping at the bit, intern named Brad. I have often wondered what I could accomplish if I had someone here that would pull the same weight I do. Now I have that, or Brad sure tries hard anyway. He is also my complementary opposite, as he is quite handy, so we are making the pieces fly. It feels good to

Better Salt and Price Increase 9/21/18

Costs are rising on the farm and I want to explain why we will have to raise our prices a bit, the first of the year. Very few things cost less now than 10 years ago, I can think of a few but not many. Most costs are rising across the board

Bulk Beef, FCF Talk In Lake City, And Half Off - Sales 9/7/18

The world of FCF is unfolding just like I had envisioned a few months ago. After using Melaleuca products for 2 years we looked at each other and said “why are we not telling people about this?”. Then I thought of my friend who was raising funds for his prison ministry and approached him about it as a way to do just that. He said, "no" and the next day it dawned on me,

Better, Safer, Cheaper = Win Win 7/27/18

You can make a small fortune in farming, IF you come to it with a boat load of cash to get started. Capital. Something we are always short on, and this is not only a farming or agriculture issue, any business owner has this to deal with. Most go to the bank and make a loan to get started. The problem with that, as a friend of mine says…they want the money back, ha ha.

Goat's Milk Sale and a Giveaway 7/13/18

Some like it hot, some like it cold…some like it in the pot [3] days old. You gotta love July, because if you love it, it goes by faster. I do not generally mind the heat. I sweat buckets, drink tons of water and shower often. I usually go to the shower after the morning and afternoon workouts in the sauna. I cannot sit on anything until I get cleaned up. You could ring sweat out of my clothes.

You May Not Get Your Cream (or milk) This week (or the next) 6/30/18

The main thing to report this round is that milk production is down, so many of you who have ordered cream will not get it during this time of low production. We are so very sorry about this and will remedy this ASAP. Just know that we are doing our very best. These foods do not just come out of the air and sometimes we just cannot control what happens here,

Investment and Work Opportunites at Full Circle Farm 6/15/18

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts, All great change is first an idea in our minds. Visualize the changes you wish to achieve. Smoked Applewood Cheddar is now available in 5 lb blocks for $12/lb. The smaller pieces are still available, too, for $16/lb which is a much better price than what we were selling it for before ($24/lb). Our cheese is one of the best buys we have. First of all you cannot get our cheese in any store in the country because it is raw, 100% grass fed with very high CLA content.

Thick Cream at Last! 5/31/18

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts, Who out there wants to sleep better? Have better skin? Reduce cravings? Less dry eye? More energy? and mental clarity? Need less sleep and wake refreshed and ready for the day without coffee or any other stimulant? More stamina and endurance? More overall health like when you were young and unstoppable? I have experienced all these since reading and implementing a few changes from Dr Mercola’s book Fat For Fuel.

Buy Products and Support Farms that are Glyphosate(Roundup) Free 5/18/18

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts, Miscellaneous Farm News: We are going paperless! We will no longer be giving you a hard copy of your receipt on day of delivery. You can easily printout your own receipt or look it up here. We feel that the majority of our customers would prefer this and it cuts down on our costs and the amount of trees that need harvesting.

Are your 60,000 Miles of Blood Vessels Free of Road Blocks? 5/4/18

Hello Small Farm Enthusiasts, Our bodies have 60 thousand miles of Blood vessels which is enough in length to go around the earth twice. And our bodies pump our blood around this circle every minute or 2. Our blood does many things, but one thing it does is carry Oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Oxygen is life, without it we die. So without our blood being able to get where it needs to go we die. So may I ask a simple question, why are Americans so bent on clogging up their heart and arteries?